When Should My Business Go VAT Registered?

As a company it can be a struggle to keep on top of rules and regulations. However, when you go VAT registered isn’t something that you can afford to be out of the loop on. There’s requirements you must meet as a company, and this being correct is one of them. Here we’ll tell you when to go VAT registered to ensure your business is fully compliant.   When should I register? It’s essential that you register when you go over the threshold, or when you know that you’re about to. Your VAT taxable turnover determines this threshold. This is
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How Technology Benefits Accountants, and Their Clients!

Here at ABC, we’re constantly looking for ways to help our clients and make their lives easier. We also consider ways to make our workload more efficient so that we can give time to tasks that require our expert knowledge and experience. One way that we achieve both of these goals is by using technology that frees up our time from mundane, yet necessary tasks. Automation apps and apps that allow our clients to send us documents, expenses etc digitally are becoming much more popular with many of our clients. There’s no doubt that it makes our and their lives
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Financial Mistakes All Small Business Owners Should Avoid

We’re passionate about helping businesses of all kinds, but we know how tough it can be for those who run small businesses. We’ve teamed up and created a post full of financial mistakes to avoid that we believe will help small business owners with their finances. Not planning larger cash reserves A fatal mistake for small businesses is to underestimate the volume of your cash reserves when planning. There’ll be things that you’ve planned for and inevitably things that you haven’t. It’s always best to have a larger cash reserve. This allows for those unexpected costs and reduces your stress
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Pros and Cons of Becoming a Ltd Company

Making your business ‘Ltd’ can be a decision that a lot of people don’t find easy. With changes to tax, legal responsibility and increased admin it can be hard to weigh up whether it’s the right thing to do for you and your business. We understand the trials and tribulations of running a business, here we’ve put together a blog post to make the decision of going ‘Ltd’ easier to make. Pros         People often prefer working with limited companies As a limited company you’ll likely find that people will have more confidence in working with you as well as contracts
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