As a leader in a business, you’ll be faced with decisions every day. Whether they’re small decisions that don’t make much of an impact or larger scales decisions that could change things massively for the company and those working for it. It can be daunting and the sense of responsibility on you often gets overwhelming. There’s no clear set way to make a great decision, it all depends on the situation, those involved and the implications of each possible outcome. We have developed a quick list of things that we suggest taking on board when it comes to making your
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The Basics For The Self-Employed
Being self-employed can often mean the line between business and personal finance gets blurred. It’s hard to create a divide and have a firm barrier between them both. Our expert team have come together to deliver you our most useful tips for managing your finances. Create a Budget When you’re self-employed it means you’ve not got a guaranteed income that you can rely on being around the same amount each month. This can make budgeting trickier. Creating a budget for expenses allows you to have a clear idea of where your money is going and where you could save some
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The Gender Pay Gap: What The Companies Getting It Right Are Doing
In April 2018 all UK companies who employed 250 or more employees had to publish statistics revealing their gender pay gap. This movement saw a flurry of headlines highlighting companies with large pay gaps and what they should do to narrow them. Initially, more than ¾ of businesses were paying their male members of staff more than female employees. Some of the worst perpetrators had a gender pay gap of over 80%. Some of the biggest companies in the UK showed that their gap was over 3 times higher than the national average. At the time this was 18.4% for
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