Auto-enrolment- new minimum %s from 6/4/18 New regulation means 1.8 million small business owners in the UK will have to offer an auto-enrolment pension scheme for employees. Auto-enrolment makes it compulsory for employers to enrol eligible workers into a pension scheme, paid into jointly by both the employee and employer. As it currently stands the auto enrolment minimum contribution is 2% of which 1% must be paid by the employer, however in the tax year to come this is set to change: 06/04/18 – 05/04/19: Minimum contribution will be 5% (including 2% minimum employer contribution and 3% staff contribution). 06/04/19-
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Auto-enrolment and the 2015 General Election
We are covering two of the big issues being debated daily at the moment and those are auto-enrolment and of course the General Election in May.
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