Mandatory online filing of CIS returns and verifications

Over 85% of contractors and their authorised agents are already sending us their CIS returns online, but from April 2016 everyone will have to use the online service.  HMRC will no longer be accepting any paper forms from that date.To increase filing accuracy, this change will see the introduction of online amendments, online messaging and alerts.We’re also improving the online verification service for you, as from April 2017 everyone will also have to use the online service, HMRC will no longer accept telephone verifications from that date.

For contractors and agents currently sending paper returns, you’ll need to register for HMRC’s online services as an ‘Organisation’ ahead of the April 2016 deadline.

If you’re one of the 80% already using our online services, you don’t need to do anything for now.

But if you’re not, act now by letting ABC Accounting take care of it for you…

Why wait?

If you need help or advice on this get in contact with us today on 01427 613613 or