Commonwealth Games launch tax exemption for athletes

Finally, international athletes are granted an income tax exemption for the Glasgow Grand Prix and the Commonwealth Games. The exemption only covers the two international events for this year but this has surely got to be the first steps towards a permanent strategy by HMRC. Usain Bolt represents the highest profile name of the athletic world to have spoken out against the UK tax system. It seems that even he has neither the speed or the inclination to out run HMRC. Until now, HMRC have imposed a levy on visiting athletes’ sponsorship, endorsement earnings and appearance fees. Some athletes actually
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Tax relief – don’t miss out!

The main areas for tax relief are known to many but if you are just starting out or you do your own accounts then you could easily miss out. Here are six areas where you should be claiming tax relief if you qualify – some of these can amount to huge savings for individuals. 1)    Business mileage or fuel MILEAGE: You could get tax relief when you use your own vehicle for business, or on fuel you buy when using a company car. You can also trace this back several years to claim relief if a self-assessment has not been
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The boss is on holiday!

What do some people get up to when their boss goes on holiday? Let’s just be clear – no-one at ABC has ever dreamt of participating in the following common side effects to boss absences: 1. Extra long lunch 2. A little surfing on google, Facebook, eBay, Amazon… 3. Sit in the bosses chair and take a moment to wonder…a moment to just imagine 4. You leave a little earlier from work 5. You chat about your boss to your colleagues at normal volume instead of in whispers 6. You are a little more relaxed than usual 7. There is
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Are you getting top service from your accountant?

For many businesses an accountant is selected as the company is formed and from that moment on they never look back. They don’t even look sideways. The selection of an accountant can often come down to one crucial factor: • Local company • Near the office/factory • Cost effective • Word of mouth • Know someone that works there • Most visible in town • Trusted large franchise with a good national reputation • They made an excellent first impression These are all valuable traits for an accountancy firm to possess and although we would recommend shopping around, enjoying a
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