What do some people get up to when their boss goes on holiday? Let’s just be clear – no-one at ABC has ever dreamt of participating in the following common side effects to boss absences:
1. Extra long lunch
2. A little surfing on google, Facebook, eBay, Amazon…
3. Sit in the bosses chair and take a moment to wonder…a moment to just imagine
4. You leave a little earlier from work
5. You chat about your boss to your colleagues at normal volume instead of in whispers
6. You are a little more relaxed than usual
7. There is a bit more chatter around the office that isn’t work related
8. You change your bosses screen saver for when they get back and tell them you did it in your lunch break
9. You send the newbie for MacDonald’s breakfasts for the entire office
10. You do an impersonation of your boss in front of trusted colleagues and before you know it everyone is demanding repeat performances!
Apparently, employees will do at least three of the list above. Take a look around you and see if you can guess what your colleagues might be guilty of. A lot of the time we are very discreet with our deviances from the norm because we are:
1. Scared someone will dob us in
2. Actually very loyal to our employer’s values and respectful of their position
It can entirely shift the dynamic of a team when the boss is absent. This is most notable when there is not an adequate management team to fill in or if a vacuum is left by a particularly intimidating, even bullying boss. A team only demonstrates what it is capable of and what kind of values make it up when the boss steps out of the office. They either shine or self-destruct.
An interesting article on Forbes sheds more light on the matter: ‘In an ideal culture, the boss’s absence should have a minimal impact on the day to day ability of a team to perform at its peak, Kerr adds. “The role of a great boss is to give employees the proper tools, training and expectations so that they can perform their work in absence of the boss. Indeed a bad leader is one who holds onto the reins of power and information so tightly that nothing can happen. A lot of it is tied to trust and empowerment. In a culture where high levels of trust have been established, with similarly high levels of empowerment, then there should be no issue around work not getting achieved.”’
See the whole article here
Ultimately, in a healthy working environment the absence of the boss should not lead to a significant dip in performance. Those who do indulge in some controlled frivolity make up for it when they do get their heads down. Those who respect their boss will not allow any shortcomings in performance to occur and a guilt driven work catch up tends to take hold of even the rowdiest team member before the bosses return.
So, when the cat is away, absolutely the mice will play, but not so as the boss will notice on their return! What happens in the office stays in the office and equilibrium is happily maintained.
For tips on how to make use of the office whiteboard when the boss steps out for a little light-hearted entertainment, go to this link
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