The Struggle For Millennials With Personal Finance

Research indicates that those from the millennial generation aren’t as financially literate as those from previous generations. They are however more likely to use the latest financial technology. The millennial generation is perhaps most famous for being technological. By 2025, the workforce will be made up primarily (75%) of millennials. The issue is that the millennial generation is showing signs of struggling to understand the most basic financial language. Could it be the job of accountants to aid them in understanding finances and in turn manage them more effectively? “Only 8% of millennials demonstrate high financial literacy” Lack of understanding
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What you should be doing financially if you’re self-employed

When you’re self-employed it can be a minefield trying to work your finances out. With so much advice, legislation and rules to follow it can be over-whelming. As a team that works with self-employed workers regularly we’ve gained lots of knowledge and have written an article on it for you. in simple terms, no technical jargon and genuinely useful tips that will help you get your finances in order for you and your business. Carry on reading to find out what we say! Register with HMRC as self-employed As a sole trader it’s your responsibility to pay your own income
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What To Include In Your Limited Company’s Invoices

When you look at the overall picture of all of your business activity, invoices may seem like a tiny fraction of what goes on. However, collecting payments for work you’ve carried out should never be side-lined. HMRC are looking for clear and accurate records of money you’re expecting to receive throughout the year. As well as HMRC, clients need your invoices to be correct in order to pay them. For limited companies there are certain things that need to be included within your invoices. Are you including them? Back to basics Let’s start by stating the obvious. The word ‘invoice’
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